Prospective home buyers; don’t forget, someday you will move again.

  • When buying a home, give serious thought to how easy or difficult it might be to sell that home, because someday you will probably do just that. 
  • Your real estate agent should know the different factors that affect your home’s resale potential… so you can make your best decision, up front.
  • Consider the neighborhood trend and relative safety.
  • Flood zones are a big factor when calculating flood insurance pricing.  An AE (not good) flood zone,  can cost hundreds of $$ a month! That potentially affects buying power.  
  • Flood insurance in an X flood zone costs about $450-$600.00 a year.  A relative non factor.
  • High flood insurance cost can diminish the number of buyers who otherwise would be interested in buying your home. 
  • You don’t want to hear, “It’s a lovely home, but we can’t afford to pay the flood insurance”. 

All buyers truly benefit from hiring an experienced agent. An agent who knows about the many factors that could affect the resale of the home you’re thinking about buying.

Questions? Call us.

O’Malley & Associates
